1、省市区选择V - Distpicker
npm install v-distpicker --save
npm install vue-slicksort --save
npm install bi-vue-mindmap --save
npm install html2canvas --save
npm install vuedraggable; npm install sortablejs;
import Sortable from 'sortablejs'
mounted(){ this.$nextTick(() => { this.drag(); }); }, methods:{ drag() { const el = document.querySelectorAll( ".el-table__body-wrapper > table > tbody" )[0]; Sortable.create(el, { forceFallback: true, disabled: false, // 拖拽不可用? false 启用 //ghostClass: 'sortable-ghost', //拖拽样式 dragClass: 'sortable-ghost',//拖放时的DOM节点的class名称,可在此class下定义相应的样式 animation: 150, // 拖拽延时,效果更好看 onEnd: (e) => { // 拖拽结束时的触发 console.log(e) }, }); }, }
::v-deep .sortable-ghost { background-color: #fff !important; opacity: 1 !important; z-index: 99999; width: 100%; td{ background-color: #fff !important; border:1px solid #dfe6ec; } }
group: "name", // or { name: "...", pull: [true, false, clone], put: [true, false, array] }
sort: true, //在列表内支持排序。 sorting inside list
delay: 0, // 时间以毫秒为单位来定义排序应该何时开始。 time in milliseconds to define when the sorting should start
touchStartThreshold: 0, // 像素,在多少像素移动范围内课取消延迟拖动事件。 px, how many pixels the point should move before cancelling a delayed drag event
disabled: false, // 如果设置为true,则禁用排序。 Disables the sortable if set to true.
store: null, // @see Store
animation: 150, // 毫秒,排序时移动物品的动画速度,`0`则表示无动画。 ms, animation speed moving items when sorting, `0` — without animation
handle: ".my-handle", // 列表项中拖动手柄选择,可以设置列表中item中的某个DOM节点为拖动的依据。 Drag handle selector within list items
filter: ".ignore-elements", // 选择不支持拖动的选择器(String或Function)。 Selectors that do not lead to dragging (String or Function)
preventOnFilter: true, // 触发`filter`时调用`event.preventDefault()`。 Call `event.preventDefault()` when triggered `filter`
draggable: ".item", // 指定元素中的哪些项应该是可拖动的。 Specifies which items inside the element should be draggable
ghostClass: "sortable-ghost", // 拖放时,提前预设DOM节点的class名称,可在此class下定义相应的样式。 Class name for the drop placeholder
chosenClass: "sortable-chosen", // 选中时的DOM节点的class名称,可在此class下定义相应的样式。Class name for the chosen item
dragClass: "sortable-drag", // 拖放时的DOM节点的class名称,可在此class下定义相应的样式。Class name for the dragging item
dataIdAttr: 'data-id',
forceFallback: false, // 忽略HTML5 DnD行为并强制回退使用。ignore the HTML5 DnD behaviour and force the fallback to kick in
fallbackClass: "sortable-fallback", //使用forceFallback时的克隆DOM元素的类名。 Class name for the cloned DOM Element when using forceFallback
fallbackOnBody: false, // 将克隆的DOM元素追加到Document中Body 。Appends the cloned DOM Element into the Document's Body
fallbackTolerance: 0, // 以像素为单位指定鼠标在被视为拖动之前应移动多远。Specify in pixels how far the mouse should move before it's considered as a drag.
scroll: true, // or HTMLElement
scrollFn: function(offsetX, offsetY, originalEvent, touchEvt, hoverTargetEl) { ... }, // 如果你有自定义滚动条scrollFn可用于自动滚动 。if you have custom scrollbar scrollFn may be used for autos